Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Levels of the Economy in British Columbia

Good afternoon, I'm sorry I am away at the Supreme Court today.

Today you are to look at 3(4) levels of the economy in British Columbia.

The 3 levels are Primary (resource extraction), Secondary (slight modifications to the resource such as making lumber) and Tertiary/Quaternary (creating a complicated end product, or the information economy/tourism)[Post Modern Economy]. NOTE: If you take further economics courses tertiary and quaternary will be separated but for this course we are combining them. You are to go on-line and find an example of a company located in British Columbia for each of the three levels of economy. For each you are to:

Summarize the company,
Where is it located,
What does the company do,
Why is it part of the section of the economy that you say it is?

You are then to post your three companies.

NEXT, you are to answer the following question in a paragraph and email it to me a southwell_j@sd36.bc.ca

Question: Has British Columbia always had a balanced economy with all 3 levels in the economy or has there been a historical progression from primary to secondary to tertiary? Explain your answer. Keep in mind, changing technology, labour costs, and globalization.

Remember your 60 second Pitches tomorrow!!

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