Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Canadian lynx

In Canada, the lynx can be legally trapped in all provinces, with the exception of Nova Scotia. There the lynx have been forced onto one remaining stronghold on Cape Breton Island, and the population is protected. They are not found on Prince Edward Island. The remaining provinces monitor the lynx population through fur trade trapping figures, and quotas vary yearly, depending on the snowshoe hare cycle. In the future, trapping methods may change as a result of pressure from the European Union for countries to ban the use of the leghold trap, and adopt internationally accepted humane trapping standards.

The future of the Canada lynx looks more promising than for many other felids. There is, however, still cause for concern, as harvests of lynx during the cyclic low periods have progressively fallen since the mid-1970's, and hare numbers have similarly been lower as well.

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