Tuesday, September 21, 2010

fish farmin on the west coast

Fish farming also known as aquaculture, is the artificial production of fish in an enclosed area. The industry makes $5 billion a year and it produces a wide range of species of fish for a variety of reasons, mostly for consumption.

Fish and sea life produced in farms for consumption inlude salmon, scallops, shrimp and tilapia, as well as decorative and and tropical fish for aqauriums, like gold fish and koi fish.

Fish farms are most commonly dug into the ground and filled with water and also can be built into a natural environment like a river, lake or ocean cove. They can also be made in above-ground pools or tanks.


  1. I don't like fish farms personally. The animals aren't treated well and they definately don't taste normal. Do you like them?

  2. Agreed. I volunteered at a salmon hatchery for awhile and I think that's more how we should act with fish. We can help them breed more efficiently, but we shouldn't just grow them in big nets so we can eat them. It isn't fair for them.

  3. No i just learned what a fish farm is today and i dont think i dont wanna eat fishes any time soon

  4. I agree with Ashtyn. Fish farming is okay (in my opinion) ONLY if it is done in a closed system container ON land so there is no danger to wild fish.
