Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Froggy Problem!!!

A long time ago, you could sit my a pond or a swamp and hear a chorus of frogs. Now, you'd be lucky to hear 3. Many factors have been culminating in BC to get rid of our amphibian friends, since the 1900's. Some of which include pollution, construction, and the introduction of the Bullfrog and Greenfrog to western Canada. The pollution makes the water in their natural habitats unhabitable, construction takes the nice floodplains and turns them into farms or housing complexes, and the much larger Bullfrogs and Greenfrogs fight, or eat many of our native frogs (and even garter snakes!). Specifically the oregon spotted frog is confined to a small corner of southwest BC, research infers only about 300 left in BC and they have been red-listed.

A website has been set up to do 'frog watching' where you can go out and either find, or listen for different frogs, then report it to help research and let the scientists and environmentalists know approsimately how many there are in an area.


  1. Awweee Adrianna, gotta love the froggy's :P Good assignment thingy :)

  2. Why is the oregon frog in british columbia

  3. because it lives mostly in Oregon, but the terrain in BC is similar to that in Oregon where it lives also. there is a columbia spotted frog that doesn't only live in British Columbia.

  4. great post! What is the website that is set up for Frog watching?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. here's the site:
    you should be able to copy and paste it into the browser
