Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Save the Wolves!

OMG! The Grey Wolves that reside in the Rockies (and eat marmots (haha Derek)) have had their status of being protected creatures removed! Woah! This means that they will be very vulnerable to over hunting. Seriously. Not cool.
The Grey wolf lives in packs, hunting for animals varying in size. They can take down animals 10-15 times thier size, but they aren't fussy eaters. They feed on water fowl, hares, badgers, deer, and other rodents. They also feed on marmots (shown left) and foxes (shown right).

Today,wolves are protected in some areas, hunted freely in others, and obliterated elsewhere because they are seen as a threat to livestock and pets. So there it is. SAVE THE WOLVES!


  1. GOOD REPORT. I'm gunna go save the wolves now.

  2. screw the wolves they be killen the marmots!

  3. SAVE THE MARMOTS let the wolves starve

  4. MARMOTS ARE NOT UGLY btw, =) and the picture is cute. i think we should save wolves.

  5. I say save them both. I don't know why we allow hunting as soon as a species population bounces back a bit. Lets let nature for an equalibrium.
