Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Wildfires are unplanned or unwanted natural or person-caused fires that need to be put out. There are more than 2000 in BC every year. Due to quick reporting and the efforts of fire crews and staff, 92% of all wildfires are contained in less than 10 acres.

Both Planes and helicopters are used to help put out fires. Airtankers drop fire retardant and foam on small fires to prevent them from growing, and at the edge of large fires to prevent them from spreading. Medium sized helicopters are used to directly bomb fires and can also be used to deliver crews to a fire or provide emergency medical assistance.

Fires are ranked from 1 to 6. A 1 is just smouldering ground cover, and usually burn themselves out. A 6 is a huge fire with lots of fuel, that fire crews won't attempt to put out until they burn down more. 2 to 5 ranges from some flames on the ground to a vigorous surface fire or a higher tree fire. For more information on fire ranks, see: http://bcwildfire.ca/FightingWildfire/firerank.htm

Half of all wildfires are caused by people. You can help prevent them by not smoking in forests, and making sure campfires are completely out before going to sleep.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. nvm that question what is fire ?

  3. If half of all wildfires are started by people, do you think that they should be fined or criminally charged for starting them?
