Monday, October 4, 2010

Filthy Canadian $

This cartoon shows Canadians 'looting' the United States during the recession while our dollar was higer than theirs. They show all the stereotypical american symbols, and the stereotypical canadian symbols to emphasize and exaggerate the point. Another point is the man in the corner and the title which imply that they should worry more about their Canadians taking advantage of their low economy than the illegal Mexican immigrants. The cartoon shows Americans as innocent citizens being taken advantage of by ruthless Canadians, with 'filthy canadian $' to spend cheap on american goods. the artist is either a Canadian oking fun of how ridiculous the Americans are being about this by emphasis, or an American who exaggerates the issue to point it out and mock us canadians.
(gotta love the angry hockey player in the background as well =D )


  1. Nicely done Adrianna! I agree completely and totally with yor analysis of said cartoon. I too have looted to Americans during this time of economical unrest (3 pairs of jeans). If it is an American cartoonist, he/she is being very whiny.

  2. I think that this is true, we did take advantage of the americans when our dollar was higher, and the cartoon expresses this in a clear and funny way.
