Monday, October 4, 2010

oprah for obama & the 2nd Obama At White house Also karzai and the afghani elections

This is an image of Karzai for those who don't know the president of Afghanistan, and these are cartoons of him and how he is a fraud during the presdential elections and he was plagerizing and also he made other people vote for him and he wanted to do all this because he doesn't want a smart and brave person to be a president and bring peace to Afghanistan therefore he wins the election in afghanistan every time by giving people big dreams and accomplishment that he says he wil do but this is only to win the elections and to be rich and live happy.

This is a cartoon image of obama and oprah and oprah is showing a sign that says "oprah for obama". This looks like the setting is a presdential election place, and this symbolizes how oprah has influential power over the nation and is saying "oprah for obama" which is like "if you like oprah vote for obama"....

This is an image of obama near the white house and it is obama saying that "this sign should be taken of ". I think this cartoon is making fun of President obama. This is because obama is an Africian Americian and he is called "black" he is near a "white house " which is a sign of raceism and it is showing that the creator of this cartoon must not like obama and thats why he made a cartoon that is making fun of Obama and showing raceism.

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